Sunshine Coast Fishing Reports
QFM July 2014
As I write this, amazingly the Sunshine Coast is in the middle of a hot light tackle bite. We have not seen action this good for May or June since probably the super hot years of ‘90s. The negative is the blue marlin have been very hit and miss when everyone was expecting a good year. We are well overdue for a big run of blue marlin on the shelf. One of the last tournaments of each season is the Mooloolaba Gamefish Club’s Billfish Bonanza Tournament which is always held around Anzac Day. This year it was a blue bite and not a sailfish bite that determined the winners. There were quite a few light tackle fish about but not everyone took their chances.
QFM April 2014
Weather is dominating most offshore fishos conversations at the moment. Good weather is not lining up with weekends at all and it is only the guys getting out mid week who can get to the fish. The fish are there though when you can get out. Three tournaments were held during this time. Mooloolaba Gamefishing club held their Babes and Billfish Tournament mid February. This was a one day event which lined up with some good weather and good fishing. Dave Morton and his lady crew on his Riviera Express Filthy lead the way tagging six billfish to win. Steve and Kelly Jensen won the best dressed crew category from their 35’ Henriques Monster. The Little Ship Gamefishing Club held their Haines Group
QFM March 2014
We now come to that time of the year where the main conversation is about the weather and not the fishing. Small weather windows a day or two at a time will allow anglers to get out and the fish should be plentiful. The rough conditions give them a rest and time for new stocks to replenish. The first day or so after a blow can be a learning day though as bait may have moved and with it, the predators. Having to do it yourself mid week if no-one has been out can be a pain if you don’t pick the right spot. After the first day and you elimate a few areas plus the fishing reports start coming back all the pieces seem
QFM February 2014
The juvenile blacks have finally hit town and everyone is rejoicing. If you venture further out blues are still on the shelf and some little blacks and the odd striped marlin are with them. This year has seen a massive run of mahi mahi compared to normal. There was no run of early ones in October like some years but by mid November, out in the cobalt blue water, they were about in droves. Again two tournaments were conducted during this period. Ross McCubbin skippering his 34’ Black Watch charter boat, Lucky Strike, owned by Mark Moreland, gave everyone a fishing lesson during the 37 boat field Gold Coast Tournament. Ross and crew of “Elliot” along with his charter of Dave McCallum and mates
QFM January 2014
At the time of writing the light tackle season is yet to fully kick off. The odd black has been caught in with some wahoo and mahi mahi but there has been no consistency. Things have been all over the place with regard water quality, temperature and bait. As things settle down into a normal pattern the fishing can only improve. Two tournaments were conducted during this period. The Hervey Bay Tournament was a repeat of last year with Rob Wood’s 340 Deep V Black and Blue taking it out in the big boat section and Run, Josh Saunders’ Striper taking out the small boat section with both boats on ten each. Viking, Chris Thirkettle’s 2400 Kevlacat made a late charge on the third
QFM December 2013
Gamefishers in South East Queensland are looking forward to another good season based on the fishing in North Queensland during their winter light tackle season. It may not be as good as last year but it won’t be a non-event either. The bonus may be a mix of year classes with the juvenile black marlin. Mixed in with the usual summer blacks that run at 20-25 kilograms, there may well be a good run of 35-45 kilogram fish with them. In next month’s report there should be plenty to talk about hopefully. Things seem on track month wise. At the time of writing the Sunshine Coast had a small run of sailfish during September and October which it traditionally sees and mixed in were