26/9/2012 Half Day Afternoon With Rob With Smithys Fishing

Rob was back again for his family trip. We started at 2pm to let the wind die down. He was back with his brothers and dad this time. We started off where I had been getting the mahi mahi. This time we got a few rat kingfish instead. One was only about 2cm undersize. Eventually Andy got a mahi mahi. By then it was quiet so we headed off snapper fishing. We sounded for ages. It looked terrible. Eventually I ended up on an old reliable spot. Sure enough they were there. A few small ones came on the first drift. I headed to the big fish bombie and sure enough Rob’s dad hooked up big time. This fish pulled the hook. It would have been a cracker. Another one wasted his little brother. We went back on the first drift line. There were a few there, mostly going 40cm so it was a good little session.

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